We couldn't believe how adorable your #PickMySuperDad photos were! We had over 900 submissions, so it took quite a while to enjoy them all! Here are some of our team's favorite submissions! Scroll down for our randomly chosen winner!
A few of our favorite submissions:
"This daddy is definitely a Super Dad because he loves holding his little girl close! He helps her experience new things and encourages growth. He is a wonderful support to his family and there is always giggling when he is around! #Superdad!"
"This guy deserves to be a the #pickmysuperdad winner because he's not only an amazing twin dad, but he's supporting me through medical school and now residency. It's not easy to be a twin dad OR a medical spouse and he pulls off both with such amazing grace. He's a blessing to me and to our babies and there's no one more deserving than him."
"This Daddy has three kids under the age of four who he loves to play with and do projects with. My two year old can wield a screwdriver with skill because of a Daddy who is willing to teach patiently. My three year old can tell you about electricity because of a smart Daddy who explains things well."
"No matter how tired he is, and what a starfish she is in her sleep, he still wants her to sleep with us."
"Luke shows Alina the ropes on the drums. Happy Father's Day!"
He is my #SuperDad because he is simply wonderful. I had a really rough delivery and wasn't able to maneuver around and hold our son very much at the beginning, and my husband took care of everything. On the first night he helped me with breastfeeding our son Walter by singing him songs and letting him suck his finger to learn how to latch properly. When I was weak, he was strong. He has made our lives better every day since. I don't know what I would do without him. A true #SuperDad
"@dylantate is a super husband amazing father to three wonderful kids!!! He's caring, fun, and truly amazing as a parent. He's also a super supportive husband who holds down the house while this mama finishes nursing school : )"
"My husband Clayton is such a dedicated father to our 9 kiddos. (ages 9 to 3weeks!) He works 60+ hours a week and still manages to find time to take hikes through the city with the kids and I on evenings he's off to teach the kids about our city's rich history. He babywears like a champ, cuddles like a teddy bear and loves like only a father could."
"This picture was taken the day my husband adopted my daughter. He has always been her daddy, but now he is officially her father. It takes a real man to step into the role of a father, especially when it isn't his duty."
"He is the best dad for our girls."
"This Super Dad has served in the military for over a decade. When not away on deployments, he does all the cooking at home and helps with the dishes, laundry, and other chores. His kids think he's pretty awesome even without a superhero costume."
"from tea parties to dress up, our little girl sure does keep daddy busy... I couldn't resist catching this sweet moment on camera as daddy was giving Scarlett a baby pedicure..."
"Daddy is a firefighter. He works as a superhero for 24 hour shifts, then comes home to be a super dad. He is our hero!"
"He is not afraid to change diapers, clean up puke, or wake up with the babies in middle of the night, even if he had to wake up at 6:15am to go to work. He tells the kids he loves them (and means it), at least once every day. He is a father figure, a role model and a best friend. He saves lives, creates lives and brings them into the world, and brings back to life. There is no other man that I would have chosen to father my three beautiful children. I hope to soon complete our family, bringing in another baby. Dominic is talented and compassionate, and I am pretty sure that the boys (even so young at all under 3y/o) are SO proud of him, and look up to him. This picture says it all! Sometimes I complain about all the things that my husband doesn't do, or doesn't do as efficiently, or the same way as me. But having to write out all of the things that make him a GREAT dad has made me remember all the wonderful things he does, and that his intentions as a parent are just as good as mine. It's hard to say (since I have never had another father to my children and don't plan on it), but I am pretty sure if he isn't THE BEST, he is definitely top 3 (next to my dad, of course). Love is the most powerful thing on the planet...and he has so much to give!! I love you Dominic, and we look up to you and miss you terribly when you're away at work. If we win, you DESERVE it, and if we don't win...you're still our hero, and you're still deserving of all this and more. <3 p="">

"Two reasons why I am so happy!"
"This super dad deserves to win because he is always there for his son. His love is unconditional even if he is not there all the time due to deployments in the Navy. This awesome dad always teaches his son to work hard for what he wants to achieve. He has taught his son everything from academics, to sports, to art. Instead of getting angry when his son makes a mistake, he calmly teaches him what is right from wrong. What am awesome DAD!"
"Aaron isn't James' biological father, but he is more of a father than I could have ever imagined. When Aaron first met James, James connected with him immediately, and that never happened. James hated men! But he just climbed up on Aaron and never got down! One of James' first words was "Beard!" hehe :) and now at night, when we do the "sleep" sign, James will do sleep down his own face, and sleep down my face, and sleep down Daddy's beard :)"
"Pick my Super Dad... Willie has been an awesome father and partner before Charlee Grace was even born. He wanted say and helped decorate our nursery, provided the muscle for getting our house ready, and has worked many hours while I was on bedrest. He doesn't complain about waking up with our angel, and enjoys his time with her when he is not bartending. He plans to finish his degree to improve our daughter's life. I couldn't ask for a better father for Charlee. He is a great Super Dad."
"This SuperDad is, Travis, my hubby of almost 8 years. We have a 6 year old son, almost 5 year old Daughter and a 2 month old foster son whom we are in the process of trying to adopt! On top of taking care of me and our kids he is a Marine preparing for deployment. He works sometimes 16 hour days and still comes home willing and wanting to help me with our herd. He cleans, does laundry and plays with our babies and has opened is heart up to our foster son and future foster children. We are so lucky to have him and this is why we think he should be picked as the SuperDad!!"
"My husband deserves to win because he will literally do everything for us. Even after he works 12+ work days he comes home with the biggest smile on his face. I thank God every single day for blessing me with him."
"Mike is a super dad because he LOVES being a dad! He spends long hours at work and being in the military to make sure that his son and family is safe. He will always do what's right and protect our hearts. We love you Daddy! <3 p="">
"This is my gem of a husband and superhero of a daddy... His heart is incredible. As a therapist who works with children with autism, as a husband, as a father... He is a gift. I'm so grateful to call him mine."
And the winner is: Nicole Dufour Suhre!!!
"Our family hero is a web developer and photographer by day and by night and the weekends: Super Dad! Always up for diaper changes, bath time and messy feedings he can make our son giggle and laugh like no one else can. When Daddy is in the room, no one else is. His super skills are all the more impressive when you know that he also battles Cystic Fibrosis every day. SuperDad, SuperHusband, SuperMan."
Congratulations Nicole! Look for an email from us very soon with details on how to claim your SuperDad prize!!!